导航:首页 > 风险投资 > 风险大的保险户英文怎么写


发布时间:2021-04-01 11:57:53

Ⅰ 100财富值求一篇400字的保险英语作文,写校园、宿舍或者广州的风险分析,这三个里面任选一个!急求大神!

Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, is the third biggest city in China after Beijing and Shanghai with more than 1.2 million population. One of the place in Guangzhou that tourists must go is Tianhe. Tianhe is the business district, thriving with many skyscrapers and shopping malls. The newly developed Zhujiang New Town is a showcase of futuristic urban planning and avant-garde archiecture. It is also home to the oldest messy urban village Shipai as well as most expat communities. The district serves as a transportation hub for trains to Hong Kong. Highlights include Guangdong Museum, Central Library, Opera House and Shipai village.

Ⅱ 200分悬赏:保险文章中译英,高手请进!!!

Life insurance is unique among financial instruments. It is one of, if not the only financial instrument that is based on caring and love. Even though there can be personal advantages to having life insurance, the real impetus is love for those one cares most about – to make sure they are taken care of. So, applaud yourself for taking the time to learn about this subject (and please follow up with action whether through us or the organization of your choice.)

Interestingly, while one is taking care of the financial needs and wants of a spouse or the next generations, life insurance can also develop and build one’s personal financial goals while living. For example, because you have sufficient life insurance, you might be able to use more of your assets to enjoy life in retirement. Why is that? Because if you know you have sufficient life insurance you won’t feel that you are lowering the inheritance by spending some of your principal. You may actually “pay down principal” to some degree to yourself, especially if you have lifetime permanent life insurance as a backup.

There are various types of life insurance but they all have some common attributes. You pay an insurance company what are called premiums. At your death, the life insurance company pays an amount to the people you named in your policy, called beneficiaries. Also it’s interesting that if you named a beneficiary(ies) they’d receive the insurance amount free of income tax.

Some types of life insurance have cash benefits available while you’re living. In these types, a portion of your premium goes into a cash reserve and builds on a tax deferred basis. You can access this money, called cash value. Some people use it to help ecation costs, enhance retirement cash flow or for any reason. Two of the most common types of “permanent life insurance” are called whole life insurance and universal life insurance.

The different kinds of life insurance are described on the Lifeinsure.com site. To learn more about each type you can go to the navigation panel you click the type of life insurance to learn about. You can also visit the Ecation Center. Combined with investments, retirement and estate planning, a life insurance policy is a cornerstone of a sound financial plan. By looking into this area, you are making an intelligent and caring financial decision for your family. It is important that you have life insurance and have enough to protect those you care about. Get the insurance you should have.

Ⅲ 意外伤害保险的英文怎么说

personal accident insurance

Ⅳ 中国各大保险公司的英文全称

1、中国人寿保险:China Life Insurance (Group) Company





中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司(以下简称“中国平安” ,“平安保险”,“中国平安保险公司”,“平安集团”)于1988年诞生于深圳蛇口,



3、中国太平洋保险:China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd








5、友邦保险:American International Assurance Co



Ⅳ 翻译成英文(保险风险北京)


2002/09-2003/12 Maastricht University, Netherlands

Master of Social Security

1989/09-1993/07 Renmin University of China


Professional certification


The China Securities Association, a practicing certificate

Current treatment

 minimum wage: RMB 530,004 / year (after tax) = 44,167 / month × year fixed-December


2007/07- present Union Life (Union Life) Beijing Company

Compliance Risk Management Department / General Manager of Corporate Risk Management Committee Member (Secretary) and the Investment Management Committee members of Beijing

Reporting Objects: Company CRO


 Economic Capital Management

 asset-liability management

 comprehensive risk management

 Compliance Management

 Investment Risk Management

 Investment Performance Evaluation

 Management Legal Services

 Corporate Risk Management Committee Member (Secretary), and the investment management committee members, participation in pension and asset management companies to build.

2003/11-2007/06 Taikang Life (Taikang Life) Beijing Company

Risk Management / Manager Beijing

Reporting object: department head


 measuring market risk economic capital and credit risk economic capital

 integration of the entire company's economic capital, including the insurance risk and operational risk economic capital, economic capital

 internal controls and operational risk management

 a variety of risk analysis and asset liability management study

 capital management and capital allocation

 Risk Management and Performance Evaluation

 liability company-wide asset-liability management

 in the enterprise annuity on training and preparation for data preparation, as well as the preparation of Tyco pension. Taikang attend Risk Management Committee.

Conversion reasons: changes within the company executives together with customers invited

1999/04-2002/08 Lenovo (China) Group

Overseas Marketing / Manager Beijing

Reporting object: department head


 for overseas agents to develop and establish a credit policy

 Analysis and granting of credit

 monitor the implementation of credit

 financial analysis and credit analysis

Conversion reasons: to study abroad

1996/11-1999/03 Guizhou Radio & TV

Teachers in Guizhou Province

Reporting object: Head of Department


 Main, Professor of Economics, econometrics, statistics, financial analysis

Guilin, China Merchants Group, 1993/08-1996/10

Securities and Futures Department / Manager of Guangxi

Reporting object: department head


 Study of foreign exchange and index

 From the macro-economic and technical analysis point of view, analyzing the stock and bond markets

 foreign financial proct research

 participate in corporate finance projects

Ⅵ 卖保险的 英文怎么说

Insurance agent,那叫保险代理人,不叫推销员好吗

Ⅶ 保险公司里的“保全岗”英文怎么说

保全岗 (Security guards)
就是对已经开拓了的客户进行回访,续缴费和维系,简而言之就是让他把合同履行到终止。 就是售后服务人员。
1 customer data changes,(客户资料的变更处理)
2. Renewal notice and management,(续保通知及管理)
3 policy management, the renewal of the technical consulting solutions to problems renewal and business statistics, analysis and reporting,( 保单管理、续期续保问题的技术咨询解答及业务统计、分析和报告)
4 complete with other departments(配合完成部门的其他事务)

Ⅷ “保险部”的英文怎么写


Ⅸ 加入保险的英文怎么写

join (take on) an insurance policy

Ⅹ 保险公司里的“保全岗”英文怎么说



保险客户服务/续期管理: Customer Service

保险产品开发/项目策划 Proct Development/Planner
保险业务经理/主管 Business Manager/Supervisor
保险代理/经纪人/客户经理 Agent/Broker/Account Manager
理财顾问/财务规划师 Financial Advisor/Financial Planner
储备经理人 Agency Management Associate
保险核保 Underwriting
保险理赔 Claim Management
保险客户服务/续期管理 Customer Service
保险培训师 Trainer


Avec plaisir.



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