1. 股票期权是什么意思怎么玩
2. 股票期权的 backdate,怎么翻译
先从什么是STOCK OPTIONS说起,STOCK OPTIONS,中文里叫做股票期权,公司里发给经理人的基本是CALL OPTIONS,是指在未来某个时间其持有者有权按指定价格买入股票。比如公司给经理A一个两年后到期的OPTION,可以以每股10美元的价格买一股。两年后如果股票价格是12美元,这经理会履行这个OPTION,以10美元买入价值12美元的股票等于有税前2美元的收益,如果价格低于10美元,他就会让OPTION过期作废,等于没赔没赚,所以OPTIONS的所有者不会有什么风险,要么赚,要么一分没有,但不会赔。EUROPEAN风格的OPTIONS能够履行的时间点只有到期时才行,而AMERICAN风格的OPTIONS则能够在到期以前任何时间点履行。
给经理人发OPTIONS的初衷是为了鼓励创造新的股票价值服务企业股票所有者的,经理人手里有OPTIONS,那么努力工作让股票价格上升则符合其自身利益。OPTIONS在颁发时规定的STRIKE PRICE(也就是到期时那个可以买股票的指定价格)一般是跟发出当天的股票收盘价相同,这样,从那天开始,股票升值的话,经理人有的赚,如果没有升,OPTIONS的价值也就是零。
这本来是理论上说的天花乱坠的符合公司股民利益的MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE,等于不得不给管理层的糖块以便于他们制造大得多的糖,却是一直以来让肥猫们滥用的。
近几年有金融研究者从公司向SEC递交的报告里发现,许多大公司给其经理人发OPTION的时间相当巧合地跟其股票在低谷的时间点一致。这如果只发生一次,还可以以概率解释,但如果几次都这样,就是大大有违正常的概率了。好比UNITEDHEALTH这个CEO有三次的OPTION GRANT的时间都是在股票发生价格猛跌又要即将升上去之前的谷底,这样的时间巧合,如果没有人为因素,完全自然的话,是两亿分之一,大于几乎任何一个LOTTERY中大奖的概率。而且可笑的是很多大公司都有类似的LOTTERY。
这个研究发现一旦发表,很快引起轩然大波,从地区检查官到媒体都积极地卷入了对严重违法乱纪公司的调查,地区检查官们希望给自己一个DO SOMETHING BIG的机会以后好往私营律师事务所里跳当PARTNER挣大钱或者捞政治资本(比如纽约著名的检察官SPITZER,正在竞选州长,很可能选上),所以干得很欢,已经接连有大公司肥猫落马。
人们纷纷喊爽的同时将注意力集中了在BACKDATING问题上,这同时也掩盖了更根本的长期以来一直存在的问题:公司高层经理为什么会拿那么多OPTIONS?象UNITEDHEALTH这种相对成熟的大公司(而不是急剧变化的小高科技公司)为什么会发那么多OPTIONS给CEO?他们钻了漏洞的机制还有没有药可救?UNITEDHEALTH的CEO一个人的股票期权已经价值17。8亿美元,而整个巨无霸公司的市值是660亿美元,一个CEO,也就是一个最高级别的雇员,却做了几年以后能拥有公司的2。7%这么大的比例,这难道不是明显的侵吞公司资产么。什么样的激励机制会让CEO这么不受约束地从公司大蛋糕里肆无忌惮地拿来主义?董事会这么印票子给CEO一般跟橡皮图章委员会也没什么区别了。美国的大企业发展到目前的地步,CEO与一个一般雇员的酬劳差400倍而且还在增大,其问题已经超出表面上的BACKDATING OPTIONS之类的技术问题,而需要从企业组织根本机制上进行检讨。
问题是,能够有能力有权力检讨的也是既得利益阶层,又有谁会认真呢?所以归根到底还是SCREW THE SMALL POTATOS,中产阶级小人物躺在“人民资本主义”的PEACEBO上继续做梦罢了。
Backdate 1 倒填日期(填写比实际更少的日期使七较早生效
e.g. She backdated the invoice date to November for tax purpose. 由于税务原因,她将发票倒填为11月。
Backdate 2 使(加薪或其他付款项目)在较早的日期开始生效
e.g. Your salary increase will be backdated to January. 加薪从1月份开始算起。
3. 急!!求股票期权会计研究的外文..1W字符 要附有出处和中文翻译 ~哪位大虾帮忙~啊 小弟谢谢了
In finance, an option is a contract between a buyer and a seller that gives the buyer of the option the right, but not the obligation, to buy or to sell a specified asset (underlying) on or before the option's expiration time, at an agreed price, the strike price.
In return for granting the option, the seller collects a payment (the premium) from the buyer. Granting the option is also referred to as "selling" or "writing" the option.
A call option gives the buyer of the option the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying at the strike price.
A put option gives the buyer of the option the right but not the obligation to sell the underlying at the strike price.
If the buyer chooses to exercise this right, the seller is obliged to sell or buy the asset at the agreed price.[1][2] The buyer may choose not to exercise the right and let it expire. The underlying asset can be a piece of property, a security (stock or bond), or a derivative instrument, such as a futures contract.
The theoretical value of an option is evaluated according to several models. These models, which are developed by quantitative analysts, attempt to predict how the value of an option changes in response to changing conditions. Hence, the risks associated with granting, owning, or trading options may be quantified and managed with a greater degree of precision, perhaps, than with some other investments. Exchange-traded options form an important class of options which have standardized contract features and trade on public exchanges, facilitating trading among independent parties. Over-the-counter options are traded between private parties, often well-capitalized institutions that have negotiated separate trading and clearing arrangements with each other.
Another important class of options, particularly in the U.S., are employee stock options, which are awarded by a company to their employees as a form of incentive compensation. Other types of options exist in many financial contracts, for example real estate options are often used to assemble large parcels of land, and prepayment options are usually included in mortgage loans. However, many of the valuation and risk management principles apply across all financial options.
Contents [hide]
1 Contract specifications
2 Types of options
2.1 Option styles
3 Valuation models
3.1 Black Scholes
3.2 Stochastic volatility models
4 Model implementation
4.1 Analytic techniques
4.2 Binomial tree pricing model
4.3 Monte Carlo models
4.4 Finite difference models
4.5 Other models
5 Risks
5.1 Example
5.2 Pin risk
5.3 Counterparty risk
6 Trading
7 The basic trades of traded stock options (American style)
7.1 Long call
7.2 Long put
7.3 Short call
7.4 Short put
8 Option strategies
9 Historical uses of options
10 See also
11 References
12 Further reading
13 External links
[edit] Contract specifications
Every financial option is a contract between the two counterparties with the terms of the option specified in a term sheet. Option contracts may be quite complicated; however, at minimum, they usually contain the following specifications:[3]
whether the option holder has the right to buy (a call option) or the right to sell (a put option)
the quantity and class of the underlying asset(s) (e.g. 100 shares of XYZ Co. B stock)
the strike price, also known as the exercise price, which is the price at which the underlying transaction will occur upon exercise
the expiration date, or expiry, which is the last date the option can be exercised
the settlement terms, for instance whether the writer must deliver the actual asset on exercise, or may simply tender the equivalent cash amount
the terms by which the option is quoted in the market to convert the quoted price into the actual premium-–the total amount paid by the holder to the writer of the option.
[edit] Types of options
The primary types of financial options are:
4. 股票期权是什么含义
5. 什么是股票期权交易
6. 股票期权交易术语有哪些
7. 关于股票期权的一段英文,求帮忙翻译划线部分,实在看不懂谢谢各位😊😊
主要的思维是于行权期(vesting period)内首席执行官们(C.E.O.)对持有深价内(deep in-the-money)股票期权的回报作有系统地高估,从而作出个人投资决策,通过提前卖空股票来对冲股价风险,但同时已在企业中注入了他们的人力资本投资,理性的经理们往往在行权期后,当股票价格达到合理水平就赶紧行使期权。
The key insight is to utilize CEO's personal investment decisions according to their systematic overestimation of the returns from holding deep in-the-money stock options in the vesting period and hedge price risk by short selling shares ahead but have already invested their human capital in their firms, rational managers tend to exercise options soon after the vesting period when the stock price reaches a rational level.