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发布时间:2021-07-24 04:56:44

⑴ “股价上涨”的英语怎么说

The stock has been going up.

⑵ 股市行业术语英文翻译,急急急!!!!

成交数:Transaction number
成交均价:Traded average price
库存数:The number of stock
变动金额:Variable amount
资金余额:The balance of the funds
交易费:Transaction costs
承上日资金余额:Bearing on the day money balance

⑶ 股票语言的英文翻译(100分)

股票代码 Ticker symbol
股票名称 Stock Name
交易类别 Types of transactions
实时买入 Real-time buy
交易性质 Nature of the transaction
买涨 Buy up
买跌 Buy or
买入数量 Quantity to buy
卖出数量 Quantity sold
买入价格 Purchase price
卖出价格 Selling price
预买价格 Pre-buy
预卖价格 Pre-selling price
盈亏(百分比)Profit and loss (percentage)
扣除费用 Decting the cost of

⑷ 股票交易中的“复权”“复权价”用英语怎么说还有“交易金额”“换手率”用英语怎么说

复权应该就是rights offering/issue吧?英文定义和中文的不一样,这是英文的:An issue of rights to a company's existing shareholders that entitles them to buy additional shares directly from the company in proportion to their existing holdings, within a fixed time period. In a rights offering, the subscription price at which each share may be purchased in generally at a discount to the current market price. Rights are often transferable, allowing the holder to sell them on the open market.这个定义是以出股票公司的角度来说的,复权的中文定义是以投资者的角度来说的,但是复权价计算方法一样
复权价:Subscription price
交易金额:purchase price (买入价)sell price(卖出价)
换手率:Turnover ratio

⑸ 洗盘、回档、反弹、买空、卖空、轧空、跳空、补空、套牢。这些股市术语谁可以翻译成英文呀。

楼主您在国外学金融么?oversell卖空,short purchase买空,rebound反弹,squeeze the shorts 轧空,short covering补空,抛空补回。我先回答这几个,我周一给你补充洗盘,回档,还有套牢。我帮你问下老外,这三个我不知道

⑹ 暗盘价(据说是股市上大盘间的交易价)英文怎么说呀


只能用hidden bid/offer来翻译了

⑺ 请问“股价大幅下跌,大幅上扬”英文怎么说

The stocks slump( sink,tumble, plunge, plummet )大幅下跌
The stock opened higher(moving higher or trading higher) 逐步走高
Ths stocks jump (surge,soar skyrocket) in the morning. 大幅上扬
advance, gain, climb 一般上涨
shed, slip, fall, decline, drop, lose 一般跌幅

⑻ 股票现价在24日线1%上下怎么翻译成公式


⑼ 股市波动 英文怎么说

翻译为 : stock market fluctuation

⑽ 价格浮动的英文,价格浮动的翻译,怎么用英语翻译价格

Fluctuation in price
Price fluctuates
Price fluctuations



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