導航:首頁 > 風險投資 > 個人理財建議英文


發布時間:2021-10-30 11:38:49

㈠ 誰能幫忙寫關於個人理財方面的英語對話,要說三分鍾左

lic values and encouraged its members to

㈡ 關於改善商業銀行個人理財的建議 翻譯成英文

suggestion on amelioration of personal banking in commercial bank

㈢ 商業銀行個人理財 英文論文

Wealth Management is a type of financial planning that provides high net worth indivials and families with private banking, estate planning, legal resources, and investment management, with the goal of sustaining and growing long-term wealth. Whereas financial planning can be helpful for indivials who have accumulated wealth or are just starting to accumulate wealth, you must already have accumulated a significant amount of wealth for the wealth management process to be effective.

Examples of wealth managers include independent advisors like FFR [2] or large corporate entities like Citibank's Citigold and other extensions of retail banking services designed to focus on high-net worth retail customers. Such customers would be called internally in a bank 'mass affluent' or 'upper retail' clients because of their net worth, the number of potential procts they own from the bank, their assets under management and other methods of segmentation. The banks create separate branches, services and other 'benefits' to retain or attract these customers who are typically more profitable than other retail banking customers. However, wealth management clients are not Private Banking clients because they simply do not have the Net Worth or Assets under management to justify the level of banking services that Private Banks provide.


㈣ 求一篇關於居民理財和個人理財的英文文獻,最好有中英文對照,寫畢業論文用,在線等,謝謝


內容比較全面,不過是中文的。 想要英文的建議去google論文搜索,那裡資料很多,但不支持免費下載,鏈接給你了,希望能幫到你http://scholar.google.com/

㈤ 求助一篇英文文獻,關於銀行個人理財的。最好是中英文對照。謝謝大家了555


㈥ 高分求關於商業銀行個人理財的英文文獻

雖然是國貿的 ,但是涉及 銀行 市場 ~

㈦ 求一篇英文的個人理財計劃

喂喂, 粘貼黨的趕快進來 搶懸賞分了,快來呀,不然的話慢了,就沒分了,快,快,快

㈧ 創業投資 個人理財 英文標准怎麼說

創業(風險)投資 startup (venture) investment
個人理財 personal financing

㈨ 個人理財的英文怎麼說

management of personal money 或 personal finance



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