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㈠ 求問理賠時能否用病歷復印件

保險點評: 林 瑜

㈡ 保險理賠的英文,保險理賠的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯保險

Insurance claim settlement

㈢ 人壽保險理賠時病例復印件上要蓋什麼章是病歷科的章嗎

是病歷科的章嗎 在學校上的保險,理賠的時候學校負責人說病例復印件上面蓋得病歷科的章不行,要蓋醫院的公章,可是去了醫院,醫院說就是這個章,不給蓋別的,還說如果這個章不給理賠那就可以去告保險公司,請問是不是那病歷復印件上面蓋病歷科的章就可以? 回答: 不知道您是親自去保險公司辦的手續還是打各個保險公司的專線服務電話,一般情況下打電話是不太准確的,到保險公司找理賠部專業服務人員還是比較好的,我就是在平安保險公司理賠部的,我們公司要求客戶提供的病例就是從醫院復印出來的蓋有醫院病案室的專用章的,不用醫院其他部門蓋章。 其他回答(2) 從容8級2009-12-15病歷復印件上面蓋病歷科的章就可以一臉倦容10級2009-12-15對 這個沒有很明確的規定 病理科的業務章就行了 無非就是證明這個資料的來源和真實性

㈣ 請幫忙翻譯一篇理賠文件。






㈤ 保險理賠材料中的病歷和處方,要怎麼獲取


㈥ 有誰知道商業保險理賠的 理賠要病歷本嗎 傷殘鑒定書要復印件還是原件 謝謝


㈦ 出國醫療保險翻譯件樣本誰有

你可以找保險公司要一份,他們有的 境外旅行意外傷害保險單 保險單號碼: Policy of Personal Accident Insurance for Overseas Travelers Policy NO: 投保人Applicant 身份證號碼 ID No. 與被保險人的關系Relationship with the Insured 通訊地址,郵編 Address & Post Code 電話號碼 Tel. 被保險人 Insured 年齡Age 性別 Sax 身份證號碼 ID No. 通訊地址,郵編 Address & Post Code 電話號碼 Tel. 受益人及地址Beneficiary and Address 保險金額 Sum Insured 意外傷害(身故,殘疾) Accidental Injury (Death 、Disability ) 醫療費用 Medical Expenses 喪葬費 Funeral Expenses 急性病責任擴展條款□ Extension for Acute Disease□ (如選擇擴展急性病責任請在□ 中打√) (if choose this extension, please tick in □.) 250,000.00元 50,000.00 元 元 其中航空意外身400,000.00 元 Death in Air Accident 保險費Premium 27.50 元 36.00元 元 附加險 Additional Cover 附加境外緊急救援意外傷害保險 A 條款 Additional Cover for Overseas First-Aid 保險金額 100000.00元, 保險費 46 元 (可選投保) Sum Insured RMB ,Premium RMB 救援卡號: 聯系人及聯系電話: Card No : Contacting Person and Telephone Number: 保險費合計 Total Premium 人民幣(大寫) ¥ 63.50 或(109.50) 保險期間Period of Insurance 10 天, 自 年 月 日零 時起至 年 月 日 二十四 時止 Days,from (hour) (day) (month) (year)to (hour) (day) (month) (year) 特別約定Special provisions 如被保險人與其配偶均投保境外旅行意外傷害保險,保險期間相同,意外傷害保險金額均不低於10萬元,則保險人將為其一名隨行未成年子女免費擴展承保該次旅行期間保險金額為5萬元的人身意外傷害保險。 If the Insured and his/her spouse are both covered by this Policy with the sum insured for each person no less than RMB100000, the Insurer shall hereby extend to cover one minor accompanied ring the trip with the sum insured of RMB50000 without any extra charge. 保險合同爭議解決方式選擇 Dispute settlement options □訴訟 □提交 仲裁委員會仲裁 □Lawsuit □present to Arbitration Association 鑒於投保人已向本保險人投保《中國人民財產保險股份有限公司境外旅行意外傷害保險》,並按本保險單定交約付保險費,保險人同意按照上述條款的約定承擔保險責任,特立本保險單為憑。 Whereas the Applicant has applied for the Personal Accident Insurance for Overseas Travelers of PICC P&C and has paid the premium stated in this Policy, the Insurer hereby agrees to be responsibility for the insured subject to the terms and conditions of the Personal Accident Insurance. This Policy is now issued in witness. 中國人民財產保險股份有限公司(簽章) PICC Property & Casualty Company Limited Authorized Signature 地址: 年 月 日 制單: Address: Date of issue: Policy Made:

㈧ 求高人幫用英文翻譯下保險理賠的文件

First, the principle of settlement of claims
My company has been dealing with process followed heavy contracts, the principle of keeping promises to fulfill "prompt, timely, accurate and reasonable" settlement of the 16-character one. Without violating the law and under the premise of the insurance provisions, as far as possible to meet the reasonable demands of customers, and fairly deal with claims issues.
Second, the loss adjuster working experience
1, dealing with high-risk projects in the experience of loss
High-risk high amount of investment projects, technical sophistication, risk concentration, the accident occurred after the loss of reasons, the responsibility defined, and its choice of compensation methods require higher skill levels and more abundant working experience, over the years, I have against the company and to train a group of employees with the quality of the above.
2, dealing with large losses experience
Floods, fires, typhoons and other disasters and accidents often lead to large enterprises within the framework of damage, but the loss of a single reason for the loss in varying degrees, I deal with the company in similar accidents, the standard in the determination of claims, the claims focus and training, emergency response proceres for the settlement of claims prepaid compensation, and other aspects of a complete set of operating proceres.
3, quickly raise large sums of compensation ability and experience
Unified corporate, authorized management mode of operation, I made the company can do a chessboard, in a huge indemnity, we can rapidly mobilize funds for payments, such as the 1998 Yangtze River floods, my company in a short time, to raise 1.5 billion yuan - to my local branch.
4, and domestic and foreign experts, adjusting the experience of co-operation
To ensure reasonable, accurate, my company started earlier and instry experts to deal with, I established a company's own technology expert network; for convergence and the international insurance market, we achieved in the country and has business licenses international adjusters have also established good relations of cooperation. Such as:
1, Qualcomm criteria Technology Services Limited (SGS - CSTC Standards Technical Services Ltd);
2, Mr. Fallon international settlement Group (Mclarens Toplis group.)
3, the public guessing too An insurance company
4, Ocean Insurance Appraisal Company
5, Dalian Zhengda Insurance Appraisal Ltd.
Third, claims proceres
The event of a disaster or accident, the insured shall immediately notify our company, calls 95518. Reporting methods can be oral or written. I made a report to the company, will be detailed records of insurance policies, insurance other,subject, the accident occurred time, place, why, etc., belonging to quickly determine whether the accident and timely insurance Tong insured, the insurance people at the same time request to be furnished " no notices "registration file.
2, site survey:
My company for your company provides 24-hour reporting service, received a report quickly to the scene of the incident after a survey to verify time, place, after, causes, extent and the amount of losses to the insured to the rescue. The total loss in 300,000 yuan within selected incidents accreditation body, and selected 1-2 experts to attend work if losses over 300,000 yuan, according to international practice, the two sides jointly commissioned designated domestic or after the China Insurance Regulatory Commission approved insurance estimated losses for the public to identify.
3, approved compensation losses and prepayments
My insurance company based on the terms set insurance liability, according to the agreed terms of the insurance contract and the extent of damage to property and loss of the losses amount to determine the number of compensation, once the amount of loss by mutual recognition, in the insurers to provide all of claim document, in Dalian branch competence (5 million yuan the following or its equivalent in foreign currency), I will be in seven working days to pay compensation if the company authority over Dalian, as reported to head office approval, I will be in 30 working days pay reparations. The responsibility belongs to the large insurance compensation, the amount of time it is difficult to determine if I can amount of the company's 30 to 50 percent, the first part of the compensation paid in advance to help your company promptly resume proction. The loss amounted to a final, I will be the required time limit for payment of the remaining compensation.

㈨ 我要出國看病,但是預約的醫生要我提供英文病歷,有誰知道哪家翻譯公司翻譯病歷比較好嗎

中國現在這樣的機構還是比較多的,在大城市裡都有這些相關的翻譯機構。最近因為朋友的家屬要赴美看病所以我也在關注這些方面的資料。我覺得那些公司除了收費以外,大同小異, 共同點是他們的工作人員缺乏在美國醫學院或者美國醫院工作的經歷。看過一些網上翻譯的樣本,我還是需要看看病人原本的中文病例才知道他們的英文說的是什麼。 我覺得翻譯首先是要精準,然後要包括針對病情相關的用詞和分解。然而這些是翻譯人員很難能達到的標准。畢竟他們只是翻譯中國醫生所寫的那些資料。



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