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發布時間:2021-10-05 03:55:21

1. 存摺上的「儲蓄所,本金,轉存日期,到期日,存期,鈔/匯(C/E)」英文怎麼翻譯

儲蓄所 Instead,
本金 the principal,
轉存日期 keep date,
到期日 e date,
存期 the deposit period,
鈔/匯(C/E) issuing / Exchange (C/E)

2. 我會在這個月末理財英文

In 2007,I signed on a financial proct using this card account,the double interest financial proct.The characteristic of this proct is as follows:Set a minimum amount in the card (my setting was $100,000),the bank will automatically transfer the excess amount to the double interest account as a fixed deposit.A cycle is 7 days,and after 7 days it will be converted back to current savings.There was $283,765.51 in the account when I signed on to this proct,and when the double interest fixed deposit matures,the money will be transferred back to this card account,and I can withdraw the money at anytime.

3. 理財產品英文怎麼說

理財,英文:Financial management或者Conct financial transactions

4. 理財產品的英文怎麼說


financing proct; financial procts

5. 請問"理財產品"這四個字如何翻譯成英文

financial procts

6. 理財產品英文是什麼

理財產品的英文是 Financial procts

7. 「理財產品」英語怎麼說

"Financial procts"

"Financial procts"

8. 銀行理財產品的英語翻譯

th e bank financing procts想理財就來眾易貸吧!14.4%,15-90天,門檻低,20起投,

9. 求一些銀行術語的英文說法 到期,定期存款,活期存款,到期轉存等,越多越好

定期存款fixed deposit/time deposit
活期存款current deposit/demand deposit
越多越好the more the better

10. 到期英文怎麼說

1、fall e/come e
This time draft will fall e at the end of this year.
My subscription to the magazine will soon expire, I will renew it.



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