導航:首頁 > 基金管理 > 成立蓋茨基金會英文


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1. 問一些比爾蓋茨自己成立的基金會的問題

比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會是由比爾·蓋茨與梅琳達·蓋茨夫婦資助的,全球最大的慈善基金會。該基金會以美國華盛頓州西雅圖市為基地,於2000年1月,通過蓋茨學習基金會和威廉·蓋茨基金會的合並而創立。威廉·蓋茨(蓋茨的父親)和Patty Stonesifer為基金會會長。

2. 比爾蓋茨的中英文簡介




星座: 天蠍座



綽號:「電腦神童」 「左撇子」


崇拜的人:拿破崙 沃倫·巴菲特









Chinese Name: Sir William Henry Gates III (William Henry Gates III, the small William Henry Gates, William H. Gates III, Bill Gates)

Date of Birth: October 28, 1955

Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington, United States

Constellation: Scorpio

Height: 180cm

Weight: 80kg

Nickname: "the computer whiz kid," "left-handed"

Hobbies: table tennis, Go

Those who worship: Napoleon Warren Buffett

Motto: "I am a King" "I win"

Ideal: the future of the world towards the road speed

Social networking: do not want to take the initiative to come into contact with people, but in a state vulnerable to suppress talk

Faith: a devout Catholic

Emotions: anger of unexpected panic

Concepts: the twenty-first century, computers and the Internet make the distribution of wealth and power around more evenly.

Management: "propeller-headed" and "Darwin-style management" is the operation of the

most effective means of Microsoft. Show the number of the nervous system is the

inevitable future management model.












3. 比爾蓋茨英文簡介(附中文)


比爾·蓋茨 (Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·蓋茨三世,簡稱比爾或蓋茨。1955年10月28日出生於美國華盛頓州西雅圖,企業家、軟體工程師、慈善家、微軟公司創始人。曾任微軟董事長、CEO和首席軟體設計師。

比爾·蓋茨13歲開始計算機編程設計 ,18歲考入哈佛大學,一年後從哈佛退學,1975年與好友保羅·艾倫一起創辦了微軟公司 ,比爾蓋茨擔任微軟公司董事長、CEO和首席軟體設計師。

比爾·蓋茨1995-2007年連續13年成為《福布斯》全球富翁榜首富 ,連續20年成為《福布斯》美國富翁榜首富 。


Bill Gates, whose full name is William Henry Gates III, is called Bill or Gates for short. Born in Seattle, Washington, USA on October 28, 1955,

he is an entrepreneur, software engineer, philanthropist and founder of Microsoft. Former Microsoft Chairman, CEO and Chief Software Designer.

Bill Gates started computer programming at the age of 13 and entered Harvard University at the age of 18. He dropped out of Harvard a year later.

He founded Microsoft in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen. Bill Gates served as chairman, CEO and chief software designer of Microsoft.

Bill Gates became the richest man on Forbes'list for 13 consecutive years from 1995 to 2007, and the richest man on Forbes' list for 20 consecutive years.



他享受辯論,就想聽到不同觀點,又總是想贏。可是好勝心和好奇心,並沒有影響蓋茨最終成為一個謙虛的人。(李開復評 )

蓋茨是一個對技術有熱情、對人類有使命感的人。他有很多財富,但他自己的生活方式很簡單,這種使命感是發自內心的,而不是裝出來的。(張亞勤評 )

如果蓋茨賣的不是軟體而是漢堡,他也會成為世界漢堡大王。(巴菲特評 )

他是一個非常非常聰明的傢伙,而且深愛技術。(貝瑞特 )

比爾·蓋茨賺的錢比人類歷史上所有人都多,他在努力把錢捐獻出去。大多數人也許會把錢用在別的地方,或是只捐出一點點,並希望別人給他們別上勛章,而不是像比爾·蓋茨那樣,把全部的時間都用在尋找真正行之有效的東西。這就是他畢生的工作。(柯林頓評 )

Social evaluation

He enjoys debates, wants to hear different opinions, and always wants to win. But curiosity and curiosity did not affect Gates to become a modest man. (Li Kaifu)

Gates is a person who is enthusiastic about technology and has a sense of mission for human beings. He has a lot of wealth,

but his own way of life is very simple, this sense of mission is from the heart, not pretend. (Zhang Yaqin)

If Gates sells not software but hamburgers, he will become the world's hamburger king. (Buffett)

He's a very, very smart guy, and he loves technology. (Barrett)

Bill Gates made more money than anyone else in human history. He was trying to donate it. Most people may spend their money elsewhere,

or just donate a little, hoping that they will be decorated, instead of spending all their time looking for something that really works, like Bill Gates. This is his lifelong job. (Clinton)

4. 英文怎麼說"建立比爾蓋茨基金會"

to found a Bill Gates Foundation

5. 求比爾蓋茨英文簡介



Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's wealthiest men. Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in 1983. Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer procts. Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business savvy. During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the world's wealthiest man; his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th century.

Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January 1994. The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine (b. 1996) and Phoebe Adele (b. 2002) and son Rory John (b. 1999)... Gates's personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries; in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five years.

中文, 意下如何
威廉(比爾)H.蓋茨是全球個人計算機軟體的領先供應商-微軟公司的創始人、前任董事長和 首席執行官,蓋茨的資產凈值:564 億美元。

蓋茨出生於1955年10月28日,他和兩個姐妹一起在西雅圖長大。他們的父親William H.GatesII是西雅圖的一名律師。他們的已故母親Mary Gates曾任中學教師、華盛頓大學的校務委員以及United WayInternational的女主席。

蓋茨曾就讀於西雅圖的公立小學和私立湖濱中學,在那裡,他開始了自己個人計算機軟體的職業經歷,13歲就開始編寫計算機程序 。

1973年,蓋茨進入哈佛大學一年級,在那裡他與Steve Ballmer住在同一樓層,後者目前是微軟公司總裁。在哈佛期間,蓋茨為第一台微型計算機-MITSAltair開發了BAS IC編程語言。BASIC語言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz於六十年代中期在Dartmouth學院開發的一種計算機語言。

三年級時,蓋茨從哈佛退學,全身心投入其與童年夥伴Paul Allen一起於1975年組建的微軟公司。他們深信個人計算機將是每一部辦公桌面系統以及每一家庭的非常有價值的工具,並為這 一信念所指引,開始為個人計算機開發軟體。

蓋茨有關個人計算機的遠見和洞察力一直是微軟公司和軟體業界成功的關鍵。蓋茨積極地參與微軟公司的關鍵管理和戰略性決策,並 在新產品的技術開發中發揮著重要的作用。他的相當一部分時間用於會見客戶和通過電子郵件與微軟公司的全球雇員保持接觸。

在蓋茨的領導下,微軟的使命是不斷地提高和改進軟體技術,並使人們更加輕松、更經濟有效而且更有趣味地使用計算機。微軟公司 擁有長期的發展戰略,這一點可以從本財政年度26億美元的研究與開發投資中得到反映。

1995年,蓋茨編寫了《未來之路書》,在書中,他認為信息技術將帶動社會的進步。該書的作者還包括微軟公司首席技術官Na than Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《紐約時報》的最暢銷書排名中連續7周位列第一,並在榜上停留了18周 之久。

《未來之路》在20多個國家出版,僅在中國就售出40多萬冊。 1996年,為充分利用Internet所帶來的新的商機,蓋茨對微軟進行了戰略調整,同時,他又全面修訂了《未來之路》,在新 版本中,他認為互動式網路是人類通訊歷史上一個主要里程碑。再版平裝本同樣榮登最暢銷排行榜。蓋茨將其稿費收入捐給了一個非盈利 基金,用於支持全世界將計算機與教學相結合的教師。

除計算機情結之外,蓋茨對生物技術也很感興趣。他是ICOS公司的董事會成員以及英國Chiroscience集團及其位於 華盛頓州的全資子公司-ChiroscienceR&D公司?前身是DarwinMolecular)的股東。他還創立 了Corbis公司,該公司正在開發全球最大的可視化信息資源之一,提供全球公共與私人收藏的藝術和攝影作品的綜合性數字文檔。 蓋茨還與蜂窩電話的先驅者CraigMcCaw共同投資了Teledesic公司,該公司雄心勃勃地計劃發射數百個近地軌道衛星 ,為全世界提供雙向寬頻電信服務。

在微軟公司上市的12年時間里,蓋茨已向慈善機構捐獻8億多美元,包括向蓋茨圖書館基金會捐贈2億美元,以幫助北美的各大圖 書館更好地利用信息時代帶來的各種新技術。1994年,蓋茨創立了William H.Gates基金會,該基金會贊助了一系列蓋茨本人及其家庭感興趣的活動。蓋茨捐獻的四個重點領域是:教育、世界公共衛生和人 口問題、非贏利的公眾藝術機構以及一個地區性的投資計劃-Puget Sound。

蓋茨1994年1月1日與Melinda French Gates結婚,他們有一個孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。蓋茨是一個讀書迷,而且很喜歡打高爾夫和橋牌。


比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會(TheBill&MelindaGatesFoundation)是由比爾·蓋茨與梅琳達·蓋茨夫婦資助的、全球最大的慈善基金會。該基金會以美國華盛頓州西雅圖市為基地,於2000年1月,通過蓋茨學習基金會和威廉·蓋茨基金會的合並而創立。威廉·蓋茨(比爾·蓋茨的父親)和Patty Stonesifer為基金會會長。







7. 比爾蓋茨介紹(英文版)還帶有中文翻譯

比爾.蓋茨簡介:威廉(比爾)H.蓋茨是全球個人計算機軟體的領先供應商-微軟公司的創始人、前任董事長和首席執行官,蓋茨的資產凈值:564 億美元。

蓋茨出生於1955年10月28日,他和兩個姐妹一起在西雅圖長大。他們的父親William H.GatesII是西雅圖的一名律師。他們的已故母親Mary Gates曾任中學教師、華盛頓大學的校務委員以及United WayInternational的女主席。


1973年,蓋茨進入哈佛大學一年級,在那裡他與Steve Ballmer住在同一樓層,後者目前是微軟公司總裁。在哈佛期間,蓋茨為第一台微型計算機-MITSAltair開發了BASIC編程語言。BASIC語言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz於六十年代中期在Dartmouth學院開發的一種計算機語言。

三年級時,蓋茨從哈佛退學,全身心投入其與童年夥伴Paul Allen一起於1975年組建的微軟公司。他們深信個人計算機將是每一部辦公桌面系統以及每一家庭的非常有價值的工具,並為這一信念所指引,開始為個人計算機開發軟體。



1995年,蓋茨編寫了《未來之路書》,在書中,他認為信息技術將帶動社會的進步。該書的作者還包括微軟公司首席技術官Nathan Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《紐約時報》的最暢銷書排名中連續7周位列第一,並在榜上停留了18周之久。

《未來之路》在20多個國家出版,僅在中國就售出40多萬冊。 1996年,為充分利用Internet所帶來的新的商機,蓋茨對微軟進行了戰略調整,同時,他又全面修訂了《未來之路》,在新版本中,他認為互動式網路是人類通訊歷史上一個主要里程碑。再版平裝本同樣榮登最暢銷排行榜。蓋茨將其稿費收入捐給了一個非盈利基金,用於支持全世界將計算機與教學相結合的教師。


在微軟公司上市的12年時間里,蓋茨已向慈善機構捐獻8億多美元,包括向蓋茨圖書館基金會捐贈2億美元,以幫助北美的各大圖書館更好地利用信息時代帶來的各種新技術。1994年,蓋茨創立了William H.Gates基金會,該基金會贊助了一系列蓋茨本人及其家庭感興趣的活動。蓋茨捐獻的四個重點領域是:教育、世界公共衛生和人口問題、非贏利的公眾藝術機構以及一個地區性的投資計劃-Puget Sound。

蓋茨1994年1月1日與Melinda French Gates結婚,他們有一個孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。蓋茨是一個讀書迷,而且很喜歡打高爾夫和橋牌。


Bill.Cover a 茨 brief introction:The H of William(Bill).Cover the 茨 is the geneses person,former incumbent president whom global personal calculator software leads the supplier - Microsoft company and chief executive officer, cover the net asset value of the 茨 :564 USD hundred million.

Cover the 茨 was born in in 1955 October 28th, he grew up in Seattle together and two sisters.Their father's William H.GatesII is a lawyer of Seattles.Their died mother Mary Gates has ever allowed the school administration member of committee of high school teacher,University of Washington and the female chairman of the United WayInternational.

Cover 茨 to have ever studied in the common school of Seattles with the private lake front high school, over there, he starts oneself's personal occupation of the calculator software experience, 13 years old start write calculator procere.

Covered 茨 into Harvard in 1973 grade one, he lived with the Steve Ballmer in same floor over there, the latter was a Microsoft president of company currently.During the period of Harvard, the cover 茨 for a the pedestal microcomputer - MITSAltair developped the BASIC plait distance language.The BASIC language is the John Kemeny and the Thomas Kurtz in the mid 60's a kind of calculator language in the Dartmouth college development.

Grade three, the cover 茨 drops out from school from Harvard, the whole body heart throws in it and childhood colleague's Paul Allen is together in 1975 set the Microsoft company for set up.They believe deeply personal calculator will is each a the set transact the table's top system and each family of terrific value tool, and is guide by this conviction, the beginning is personal calculator development software.

Cover 茨 relevant personal calculator of the farseeing and insight have been the Microsoft company and the software instry successful key.Cover 茨 to participate the key management of the Microsoft company progressively with the strategic decision, and develop an important function in new technique development of the proct.His equal part of time used for the global employee that meets customer and passes E-mail and the Microsoft company to keep contact.

While cover the leadership of the 茨 , the mission of the Microsoft raises and improves the software technique constantly, and make people are relaxed more,more economic effectively and more the interesting ground usage calculator.The Microsoft company owns a long-term development strategy, this can get a reflection from this fiscal year the research and the development investment of USD 2,600,000,000.

Covered 茨 to write in 1995 《the road book of the future 》, in the book, he thought the progress that the information technique will arouse a society.The author of that book still includes the Microsoft company chief technique an officer the Nathan Myhrvold and PeterRinearson, it is in 《 the New York Times 》 of most the bestseller rank continuously for 7 weeks, row first, and stopped over for long 18 weeks on the 榜 .

《The road of the future 》in more than 20 nation publications, only sell in China 40 have another ten thousand volumes. In 1996, is made use of Internet well bring of new business opportunities, the cover 茨 carried on strategy to adjust to the Microsoft, in the meantime, he revised completely again 《the road of the future 》, in the new edition, he thinks handing over with each other the type network is mankind the communication history previous and main milestone.Have a second edition the paperback book and same glory ascends the most popular ranking.Cover the 茨 donated its payment income to a non- earnings fund, useding for supporting the teacher whom the whole world combines together the calculator and teaching.

In addition to the calculator feeling knot outside, the living creature technique for the cover 茨 is also very interested in.He is the board of directors member of the ICOS company and British Chiroscience group and it locates Washington of whole 資 subsidiary-ChiroscienceR& D company?The precursor is a DarwinMolecular)of shareholder.He still established the Corbis company, that company was develop a world biggest of can see to turn one of the information resources, provide a world a public and private art for collect and photograph numerical text file of the comprehensive of the work.The harbinger CraigMcCaw that covers 茨 to return with the beehive telephone invested the Teledesic company together, the company's ambition thrivingly the plan shoot several hundred vicinity district orbit satellites, providing a double toward breadth to take the telecommunication service for the whole world.
In the Microsoft company appear on market of 12 years, cover the 茨 has already made a contribution more than US$800,000,000 toward the pogey, including toward the cover 茨 library foundation to donate USD 200,000,000, each land utilization with better big library of in aid of North Americas uses various new technique that the information brings for ages.Covered 茨 to establish the foundation of William H.Gates in 1994, that foundation sponsored a series cover 茨 oneself and its family interested in activity.Four point realms that cover the 茨 alms BE:Ecate,the world public hygiene and population problem,win the public art organization of the benefit and an investment of the local plan not-Puget Sound.

Cover 茨 , January 1st and Melinda French Gates got married in 1994, they had a kid Jennifer Katharine Gates, being born in 1996.Cover the 茨 is a studying fan, and likes to play the golf and game of bridge very much.

Bill the · cover 茨 famous saying
(1)The life is unfair, will adapt it;
(2)This world will not care you before you have results to show of self-respect;
(3)The senior high school graation don't hope to own too many;
(4)Don't think before having a boss your boss is scathing, but the boss have no tenure restriction;
(5)The 烙 beef a round flat cake will not have 損 you of dignity;
(6)You of the predicament isn't your parents' fault;
(7)You of the parents have been paying the bill a list to just become now for you of ll;
(8)You of the school may not divide excellent grade to living to living with inferior grade, but this and reality the life have no likeness of place;
(9)Your having no summer vacation can take a rest in the life, also unmanned discover ego for you;
(10)The television isn't a true life;
(11)Treat kindly a ll person, you may make for a ll artificial.

8. 關於比爾蓋茨慈善的英語演講

檢舉|2007-06-05 23:14


1、斷言夢想 微軟比爾·蓋茨經典語錄
3、蓋茨獲哈佛大學榮譽學位 30年前中途退學
12、唐駿:別看蓋茨有錢 一點精神寄託沒有
14、蓋茨質疑什麼是WEB2.0 稱新名詞無非是趕時髦
15、清華學子七問蓋茨 「拷問」微軟創新能力
17、抗議Bill Gates 看國外評說
18、首富不好當 比爾蓋茨的N個尷尬瞬間

9. 誰能幫我找一篇關於比爾蓋茨的英文介紹要有中文翻譯

比爾.蓋茨簡介:威廉(比爾)H.蓋茨是全球個人計算機軟體的領先供應商-微軟公司的創始人、前任董事長和首席執行官,蓋茨的資產凈值:564 億美元。

蓋茨出生於1955年10月28日,他和兩個姐妹一起在西雅圖長大。他們的父親William H.GatesII是西雅圖的一名律師。他們的已故母親Mary Gates曾任中學教師、華盛頓大學的校務委員以及United WayInternational的女主席。


1973年,蓋茨進入哈佛大學一年級,在那裡他與Steve Ballmer住在同一樓層,後者目前是微軟公司總裁。在哈佛期間,蓋茨為第一台微型計算機-MITSAltair開發了BASIC編程語言。BASIC語言是John Kemeny和Thomas Kurtz於六十年代中期在Dartmouth學院開發的一種計算機語言。

三年級時,蓋茨從哈佛退學,全身心投入其與童年夥伴Paul Allen一起於1975年組建的微軟公司。他們深信個人計算機將是每一部辦公桌面系統以及每一家庭的非常有價值的工具,並為這一信念所指引,開始為個人計算機開發軟體。



1995年,蓋茨編寫了《未來之路書》,在書中,他認為信息技術將帶動社會的進步。該書的作者還包括微軟公司首席技術官Nathan Myhrvold以及PeterRinearson,它在《紐約時報》的最暢銷書排名中連續7周位列第一,並在榜上停留了18周之久。

《未來之路》在20多個國家出版,僅在中國就售出40多萬冊。 1996年,為充分利用Internet所帶來的新的商機,蓋茨對微軟進行了戰略調整,同時,他又全面修訂了《未來之路》,在新版本中,他認為互動式網路是人類通訊歷史上一個主要里程碑。再版平裝本同樣榮登最暢銷排行榜。蓋茨將其稿費收入捐給了一個非盈利基金,用於支持全世界將計算機與教學相結合的教師。


在微軟公司上市的12年時間里,蓋茨已向慈善機構捐獻8億多美元,包括向蓋茨圖書館基金會捐贈2億美元,以幫助北美的各大圖書館更好地利用信息時代帶來的各種新技術。1994年,蓋茨創立了William H.Gates基金會,該基金會贊助了一系列蓋茨本人及其家庭感興趣的活動。蓋茨捐獻的四個重點領域是:教育、世界公共衛生和人口問題、非贏利的公眾藝術機構以及一個地區性的投資計劃-Puget Sound。

蓋茨1994年1月1日與Melinda French Gates結婚,他們有一個孩子Jennifer Katharine Gates,1996年出生。蓋茨是一個讀書迷,而且很喜歡打高爾夫和橋牌。


Bill.Cover a 茨 brief introction:The H of William(Bill).Cover the 茨 is the geneses person,former incumbent president whom global personal calculator software leads the supplier - Microsoft company and chief executive officer, cover the net asset value of the 茨 :564 USD hundred million.

Cover the 茨 was born in in 1955 October 28th, he grew up in Seattle together and two sisters.Their father's William H.GatesII is a lawyer of Seattles.Their died mother Mary Gates has ever allowed the school administration member of committee of high school teacher,University of Washington and the female chairman of the United WayInternational.

Cover 茨 to have ever studied in the common school of Seattles with the private lake front high school, over there, he starts oneself's personal occupation of the calculator software experience, 13 years old start write calculator procere.

Covered 茨 into Harvard in 1973 grade one, he lived with the Steve Ballmer in same floor over there, the latter was a Microsoft president of company currently.During the period of Harvard, the cover 茨 for a the pedestal microcomputer - MITSAltair developped the BASIC plait distance language.The BASIC language is the John Kemeny and the Thomas Kurtz in the mid 60's a kind of calculator language in the Dartmouth college development.

Grade three, the cover 茨 drops out from school from Harvard, the whole body heart throws in it and childhood colleague's Paul Allen is together in 1975 set the Microsoft company for set up.They believe deeply personal calculator will is each a the set transact the table's top system and each family of terrific value tool, and is guide by this conviction, the beginning is personal calculator development software.

Cover 茨 relevant personal calculator of the farseeing and insight have been the Microsoft company and the software instry successful key.Cover 茨 to participate the key management of the Microsoft company progressively with the strategic decision, and develop an important function in new technique development of the proct.His equal part of time used for the global employee that meets customer and passes E-mail and the Microsoft company to keep contact.

While cover the leadership of the 茨 , the mission of the Microsoft raises and improves the software technique constantly, and make people are relaxed more,more economic effectively and more the interesting ground usage calculator.The Microsoft company owns a long-term development strategy, this can get a reflection from this fiscal year the research and the development investment of USD 2,600,000,000.

Covered 茨 to write in 1995 《the road book of the future 》, in the book, he thought the progress that the information technique will arouse a society.The author of that book still includes the Microsoft company chief technique an officer the Nathan Myhrvold and PeterRinearson, it is in 《 the New York Times 》 of most the bestseller rank continuously for 7 weeks, row first, and stopped over for long 18 weeks on the 榜 .

《The road of the future 》in more than 20 nation publications, only sell in China 40 have another ten thousand volumes. In 1996, is made use of Internet well bring of new business opportunities, the cover 茨 carried on strategy to adjust to the Microsoft, in the meantime, he revised completely again 《the road of the future 》, in the new edition, he thinks handing over with each other the type network is mankind the communication history previous and main milestone.Have a second edition the paperback book and same glory ascends the most popular ranking.Cover the 茨 donated its payment income to a non- earnings fund, useding for supporting the teacher whom the whole world combines together the calculator and teaching.

In addition to the calculator feeling knot outside, the living creature technique for the cover 茨 is also very interested in.He is the board of directors member of the ICOS company and British Chiroscience group and it locates Washington of whole 資 subsidiary-ChiroscienceR& D company?The precursor is a DarwinMolecular)of shareholder.He still established the Corbis company, that company was develop a world biggest of can see to turn one of the information resources, provide a world a public and private art for collect and photograph numerical text file of the comprehensive of the work.The harbinger CraigMcCaw that covers 茨 to return with the beehive telephone invested the Teledesic company together, the company's ambition thrivingly the plan shoot several hundred vicinity district orbit satellites, providing a double toward breadth to take the telecommunication service for the whole world.
In the Microsoft company appear on market of 12 years, cover the 茨 has already made a contribution more than US$800,000,000 toward the pogey, including toward the cover 茨 library foundation to donate USD 200,000,000, each land utilization with better big library of in aid of North Americas uses various new technique that the information brings for ages.Covered 茨 to establish the foundation of William H.Gates in 1994, that foundation sponsored a series cover 茨 oneself and its family interested in activity.Four point realms that cover the 茨 alms BE:Ecate,the world public hygiene and population problem,win the public art organization of the benefit and an investment of the local plan not-Puget Sound.

Cover 茨 , January 1st and Melinda French Gates got married in 1994, they had a kid Jennifer Katharine Gates, being born in 1996.Cover the 茨 is a studying fan, and likes to play the golf and game of bridge very much.

Bill the · cover 茨 famous saying
(1)The life is unfair, will adapt it;
(2)This world will not care you before you have results to show of self-respect;
(3)The senior high school graation don't hope to own too many;
(4)Don't think before having a boss your boss is scathing, but the boss have no tenure restriction;
(5)The 烙 beef a round flat cake will not have 損 you of dignity;
(6)You of the predicament isn't your parents' fault;
(7)You of the parents have been paying the bill a list to just become now for you of ll;
(8)You of the school may not divide excellent grade to living to living with inferior grade, but this and reality the life have no likeness of place;
(9)Your having no summer vacation can take a rest in the life, also unmanned discover ego for you;
(10)The television isn't a true life;
(11)Treat kindly a ll person, you may make for a ll artificial.

10. wwf是世界自然基金會的英文縮寫,wwf建立於1961年,原名是

world wildlife fund
wildlife 既可指動物也可以指植物,最好的翻譯是世界自然基金會,到底是動物還是植物,可以根據語境做相應改變



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