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⑴ 孔子 英語簡介不超過50個單詞

Confucius (551 B.C—479 B.C.) is one of the most famous Chinese people. As the founder of Confucianism1, his thought has exerted a deep influence on China and its people. But Confucius was not his real name. It was a courtesy title, a Latinized form of 「Kong Fuzi」, meaning 「Master Kong」. His family name was Kong and his given name, Qiu. And he styled himself Zhongni. He was born at Zouyi, the State of Lu。

⑵ 山東大學易學與中國古代哲學研究中心的人才培養

一 培養目標
1 、本專業培養具有高深哲學理論素養,熱愛祖國文化,品德優良,學風嚴謹,有較強的事業心和獻身精神的高級專門人才和實際工作者。
2 、要求博士研究生具有廣博、深厚、精透的中國哲學基礎知識和專業理論知識,熟練地掌握一門外語,初步掌握第二外語。熟悉國內外本學科的研究狀況,了解中國哲學的發展趨勢,具有獨立分析和創造性思考的能力,能熟練運用中國傳統學術方法和現代學術方法,對復雜課題進行獨立地創造性研究。
3 、畢業後可在高等院校、學術研究機構、政府機關、新聞出版等單位從事教學、研究、理論宣傳和實際工作。
二 研究方向
1. 易學哲學
2. 儒家哲學
3. 道家哲學
4 、先秦儒家哲學
三 學習年限
全日制 博士研究生一般學習年限為三年,最長不得超過五年,在職博士研究生一般為四年,最長不得超過 6 年。 碩、博連續培養研究生的學習年限一般為 5 年,最長不得超過 6 年。
四 應修總學分數
應修總學分: 20 學分 ,其中必修 14 學分,選修 6 學分。
五 課程設置及學分( 具體見課程設置一覽表 )
( 1 )必修課 : 7 門 20 學分
1 、學位公共課 3 門 6 學分
2 、學位基礎課 1 門 3 學分
3 、學位專業課 2 門 6 學分
4 、前沿講座 5 學分。
1 、前沿講座的形式
本專業的前沿講座主要就本學科發展的前沿問題和熱點問題展開討論,使本學科的博士研究生對當代學術發展的趨勢有清楚的了解,以便使他們積極參加本專業的前沿問題或重大課題的研究。前沿講座主要採取主講與討論相結合的方式,以主講人提出問題,闡明觀點,隨之進行討論。博士生參加前沿講座的次數不得少於 9 次,其中個人主講不得少於 2 次。
2 、考核方式:
( 2 )選修課
鼓勵選修跨方向或跨專業課程,可選修 1 至 2 門,計入總學分。
第二外國語, 2 學分。博士研究生第一外語為英語的,第二外國語可作為選修課,第一外語為非英語的,則必修第二外國語,一般要修英語。
( 3 ) 補修課:
同等學力、跨專業考入的博士研究生需補修本專業碩士課程 2 門,成績計入本人檔案,不計學分。
六 中期考核
七 科學研究與學位論文
博士生學位論文是 衡量 博士學術水準和專業學科培 養 博士水平的重要標志。本專業的博士學位論 文要求 博士生站在學術發展的前沿,勇於開拓新領域,以傳統與現代學術相結合的研究方法,對中國哲學諸問題展開多層次、全方位的研究。博士論文要求有創新性或較大的學術價值或社會價值。
博士論文要求在導師的指導下,由博士生獨立完成。它是一篇系統、完整的研究某一領域或某一專題的學術論文(字數不得少於 10 萬字)。為保證論文質量,寫作時間不得少於兩年,碩博連讀者寫作時間不得少於三年。
論文開題報告。博士論文的開題報告是博士論文寫作的重要環節,直接關繫到論文價值與學術水準。要求博士生在廣泛調查研究、大量查閱相關資料和熟悉掌握當前學術發展的最新動態的基礎上,與導師協商,擬定論文選題,獨立完成開題報告。論文開題報告是中期篩選的重要內容,一般與中期篩選同時進行。論文開題報告是博士生向指導小組匯報論文寫作計劃的重要形式 ,只有在指導小組認可即開題報告通過的前提下,論文寫作才能正式開始;如未通過開題報告,應在三個月內修改自己的論文選題,重新開題。
中期進展報告。為保證論文質量,本專業對論文實行中期檢查制度,即每隔 3 - 5 個月向導師匯報一次論文進行情況,在第 5 學期末向指導小組全面匯報論文進展情況,指導小組幫助學生解決研究中遇到的難題,提供研究思路,使博士論文寫作順利進行。
論文預答辯等的具體安排及相應的考核辦法。在第 6 期開學第一個月進行博士論文預答辯,要求博士生將自己的博士論文向指導小組進行全面陳述,指導小組根據學術水平,以決定是否進行博士學位論文正式答辯。在預答辯中,未通過者可延期答辯。具體答辯程序、時間、方式根據學校學位管理的有關規定進行。
在學位答辯前,博士生必須有一篇以第一作者在全國 A 或 B 類期刊上公開發表的本領域的學術論文以收到校樣為准,且署名作者第一單位為山東大學。
八 實踐環節
本學科注重博士生實踐能力的培養,要求學生進行相應的教學實踐或協助導師進行學術研究,或參與到導師的相關課題中。教學活動不得少於 4 課時,協助導師進行學術研究必須有相應的文字材料,且得到導師的認可。
諸子集成 中華書局
十三經註疏 中華書局
道藏 中華書局
宋元學案 中華書局
明儒學案 中華書局
周易集解 李鼎祚
郭店楚墓竹簡 文物出版社
上海博物館館藏戰國楚竹書 上海古籍出版社
中國社會科學 中國社科院中國社會科學雜志社
哲學研究 中國社科院哲學研究所
歷史研究 中國社會科科院中國社會科學雜志社
孔子研究 中國孔子基金會
周易研究 中國周易學會
管子學刊 山東理工大學
文史哲 山東大學
齊魯學刊 曲阜師范大學
博士研究生課程設置情況表 類別 序號 課程
編號 課程名稱 開課學期 總學時數 學分 授課單位
或教師 考核
方式 必修課 1 DP09002 馬克思主義與當代社會思潮 1 54 2 馬列部 筆試 2 DP15011 第一外語 1 108 3 外教外院 筆試 3 D001002 專業外語 2 36 1 傅有德 筆試 4 D001022 中國哲學導論 1 72 3 顏炳罡、丁原明、王新春等 筆試 5 D001001 前沿講座 1 - 4 5 考查 選修課
含每方向必修學位專業課兩門 1 DP15021 第二外國語(英語) 2 72 2 外國語學院 考試 2 D001023 象數學研究 1 72 3 劉大鈞 考試 3 D001024 《周易集解》專題研究 2 72 3 劉大鈞 考試 4 D001025 中國易學史 2 72 3 林忠軍 考試 5 D001026 宋明易學研究 2 72 3 林忠軍 考試 6 D001027 漢代易學研究 2 72 3 劉玉建 考試 7 D001028 清代易學研究 2 72 3 劉玉建 考試 8 D001029 道家哲學專題研究 2 72 3 丁原明 考試 9 D001030 道教哲學專題研究 2 72 3 丁原明 考試 10 D001031 宋明理學專題研究 2 72 3 王新春 考試 11 D001032 理學與易學研究 2 72 3 王新春 考試 12 D001033 儒家簡帛文獻哲學研究 1 72 3 顏炳罡 考試 13 D001034 現代儒學研究 2 72 3 顏炳罡 考試 14 D001035 中外哲學比較研究 2 72 3 何中華 考試 15 D001036 中外文化比較研究 2 72 3 何中華 考試 16 D001037 東方儒學研究 2 72 3 蔡德貴 考試 17 D001038 儒學與宗教 2 72 3 蔡德貴 考試 18 D001039 儒家原理研究 2 72 3 苗潤田 考試 補修課 1 儒家哲學 1 72 顏炳罡 考試 2 道家哲學 2 72 丁原明 考試 博士學位論文創新成果要求
以論文形式體現的成果應是在學期間以研究生為第一作者、山東大學為第一作者單位在 A 類或 B 類學術刊物上發表至少 1 篇學術論文。發表的論文以公開出版或出版清樣為准。
成果的其他體現形式(科研獲獎、專利等) …… 。 一 培養目標
二 研究方向
1 、 易學哲學
2 、儒家哲學
3 、道家哲學
三 學習年限
四 應修總學分數
應修總學分: 34 學分,其中必修 28 學分,選修 6 學分。
五 課程設置及學分( 具體見課程設置一覽表 )
1 必修課
學位公共課: 3 門 8 學分
學位基礎課: 4 門 12 學分
學位專業課: 2 門 6 學分。
前沿講座 2 學分。積極參加中國哲學研究所舉辦各種學術講座、討論班,其中個人系統發言兩次計 1 分,參加 5 次學術講座計 1 分。
2 選修課 2 門 6 學分
為拓寬知識面,本專業鼓勵跨學科選修文、史課程 1~2 門,根據該課時,相應計入學分,但不作硬性規定或強制性要求。
3 補修課
六 中期篩選
七 科學研究與學位論文
碩士研究生從事學位論文寫作工作不少於一年,選題、開題報告在第四學期進行,論文題目由學生與導師共同商定,開題報告要求研究生向有關專家報告論文選題的意義,國內外該領域的研究現狀,文章寫作的基本思路等。由相關專家對其報告集體討論,提出意見,最終確定論文題。導師負責論文的中期檢查。對學位論文的要求是:遵循學術規范;觀點正確,有所創見;資料翔實,論據充足;有一定的理論意義和現實意義,字數在 3 萬字左右。
八 實踐環節
本學科注重碩士研究生實踐能力的培養,要求學生進行相應的教學實踐或協助導師進行學術研實踐或社會實踐等等,三者任選其一。但教學不得少於 4 課時,協助導師進行學術研究必須有相應的文字材料,且得到導師的認可,從事社會實踐工作不得少於 15 天,應有實踐單位的證明材料。
附: 需閱讀的主要經典著作和專業學術期刊目錄
喬宗方 王 棋 閆 潔 張克賓 周 謹 胡長芳 高新滿 張文波 賴祖龍 李細成 陳之斌
碩士研究生課程設置情況表 類別 序號 課程
編號 課程名稱 開課
學期 總學時數 學分 授課單位
或教師 考核方式 必

課 1 MP09003 馬克思主義理論 1 72 3 馬列部 考試 2 M)15001 第一外國語 1-2 180 4 外語學院 考試 3 M001002 專業外語 3 36 1 孫增林、郭鵬 考試 4 M001089 儒家哲學 1 72 3 顏炳罡、苗潤田 考試 5 M001090 道家哲學 1 72 3 丁原明、沈順福 考試 6 M001091 易學哲學 1 72 3 王新春 林忠軍 考試 7 跨專業必修一級學科課一門 ( 與導師商定 ) 1 72 3 馬哲或西哲 考試 8 M001001 前沿講座 1-4 2 選

其中含每方向必修學位專業課兩門 1 M001092 周易與中國文化 2 72 3 林忠軍、李尚信 考試 2 M001093 易學原著導讀 2 72 3 劉大鈞、劉玉建 考試 3 M001094 易學史專題研究 2 72 3 劉玉建、劉保貞 考試 4 M001095 周易經傳研究 1 72 3 李尚信、 考試 5 M001096 周易文獻學 3 72 3 劉保貞、 考試 6 M001097 道家原著選讀 2 72 3 丁原明 考試 7 M001098 魏晉玄學 3 72 3 丁原明 考試 8 M001099 佛教哲學 2 72 3 沈順福 考試 9 M001100 儒釋道關系研究 3 72 3 沈順福 考試 10 M001101 宋明理學專題 2 72 3 王新春 考試 11 M001102 宋明儒學原著導讀 3 72 3 王新春 考試 12 M001103 稷下學研究 2 72 3 苗潤田 考試 13 M001104 儒家倫理研究 3 72 3 苗潤田 考試 14 M001105 儒家文化與當代社會 3 72 3 顏炳罡、 考試 15 M001106 先秦儒家原著選讀 2 72 3 顏炳罡 考試 補

課 1 西方哲學史 1-3 72 哲學系 考試 2 中國哲學原著選讀 1-3 72 哲學系 考試

⑶ 英語書面表達 孔子學院(Confucius Institute)

Confucius InstituteConfucius Institute is a nonprofit cultural institution which spreads Chinese and propagate Chinese culture. It is in order to provide the people learning Chinese all over the world with normed and authoritative modern Chinese courses and the most regular and the most important channel of Chinese teaching. Its aim is promoting exchange and fusion between Chinese and world's culture, for building a balance world that be peace forever and bloom together. There has been 268 Confucius Institutes and 71 Confucius Schoolrooms built in the world by August,2009. And there will be 500 Confucius Institute and Confucius Schoolrooms built in the world in 2010.

⑷ 孔子的英語資料

One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius (circa 551-479 BC). He sometimes went by the names Kong Zi though he was born - Kong Qiu - styled Zhong Ni. He was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu.

This chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. Philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human's behavior, the rules that you should follow to make a successful life, and about the government.

In other words, it's about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully.

Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K'ung Ch'iu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine ecation. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters.

He worked as a keeper of a market. Then he was a farm worker who took care of parks and farm animals. When he was 20, he worked for the governor of his district.

⑸ 哪位可以提供有關Confucius孔子的英文資料

Confucius, in Chinese Kongfuzi or K'ung Fu-tzu (551?-479? bc), Chinese philosopher, one of the most influential figures in Chinese history. See also Confucianism.

According to tradition, Confucius was born in the state of Lu (present-day Shandong [Shantung] Province) of the noble Kong clan. His original name was Kong Qiu (K』ong Ch』iu). His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine ecation. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters. During the four years immediately after his marriage, poverty compelled him to perform menial labors for the chief of the district in which he lived. His mother died in 527 bc, and after a period of mourning he began his career as a teacher, usually traveling about and instructing the small body of disciples that had gathered around him. His fame as a man of learning and character and his reverence for Chinese ideals and customs soon spread through the principality of Lu.

Living as he did in the second half of the Zhou dynasty (Chou dynasty; 1045?-256 bc), when feudalism degenerated in China and intrigue and vice were rampant, Confucius deplored the contemporary disorder and lack of moral standards. He came to believe that the only remedy was to convert people once more to the principles and precepts of the sages of antiquity. He therefore lectured to his pupils on the ancient classics. He taught the great value of the power of example. Rulers, he said, can be great only if they themselves lead exemplary lives, and were they willing to be guided by moral principles, their states would inevitably become prosperous and happy.

Confucius had, however, no opportunity to put his theories to a public test until, at the age of 50, he was appointed magistrate of Zhong (Chung-tu), and the next year minister of crime of the state of Lu. His administration was successful; reforms were introced, justice was fairly dispensed, and crime was almost eliminated. So powerful did Lu become that the ruler of a neighboring state maneuvered to secure the minister's dismissal. Confucius left his office in 496 bc, traveling about and teaching, vainly hoping that some other prince would allow him to undertake measures of reform. In 484 bc, after a fruitless search for an ideal ruler, he returned for the last time to Lu. He spent the remaining years of his life in retirement, writing commentaries on the classics. He died in Lu and was buried in a tomb at Qufu (Ch'ü-fu), Shandong.

Confucius did not put into writing the principles of his philosophy; these were handed down only through his disciples. The Lunyu (Analects), a work compiled by some of his disciples, is considered the most reliable source of information about his life and teachings. One of the historical works that he is said to have compiled and edited, the Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals), is an account of Chinese history in the state of Lu from 722 to 481 bc. In learning he wished to be known as a transmitter rather than as a creator, and he therefore revived the study of the ancient books. His own teachings, together with those of his main disciples, are found in the SiShu (Ssu Shu; Four Books) of Confucian literature, which became the textbooks of later Chinese generations. Confucius was greatly venerated ring his lifetime and in succeeding ages. Although he himself had little belief in the supernatural, he has been revered almost as a spiritual being by millions.

The entire teaching of Confucius was practical and ethical, rather than religious. He claimed to be a restorer of ancient morality and held that proper outward acts based on the five virtues of kindness, uprightness, decorum, wisdom, and faithfulness constitute the whole of human ty. Reverence for parents, living and dead, was one of his key concepts. His view of government was paternalistic, and he enjoined all indivials to observe carefully their ties toward the state. In subsequent centuries his teachings exerted a powerful influence on the Chinese nation.

⑹ 英語翻譯 翻譯 孔子時期

孔子不能代表一個時代,故這里的翻譯應該是孔子所處的那個時代,用period也不太合適,而應該用age,time 或era.
time(age) of Confucius/Konfuzius

⑺ Confucius孔子的英文簡介


Confucius (28 September 551-11 April 479), Zi surname, Confucius, Mingqiu, Zhongni, descendants honor Confucius or Confucius. Born in Piyi, Lu State, with a Song ancestor, ecator and philosopher of Lu State in the late Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, he served as an important official post in Lu State. For the founder of Confucianism.

Confucius'Five Elements of Virtue (Benevolence, Righteousness, Righteousness, Wisdom and Credit) has a far-reaching impact on neighboring areas, such as Korea Peninsula, Ryukyu, Japan, Vietnam and Southeast Asia, which are also known as Confucian cultural circles.

Confucius will talk about "benevolence" for different disciples and different opportunities, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Generally speaking, Confucius'benevolence is just the word "loyalty and forgiveness" as Zeng Zi said.











⑻ 求孔子的簡介(英語版)


Confucius, the surname of Zi, the surname of Kong, the name of Qiu, the name of Zhongni, was born in Zuoyi, the late spring and Autumn Period in Lu state, and the ancestral home of Liyi, the state of song.

He was an ancient Chinese thinker, ecator and founder of Confucianism. Confucius initiated the style of private lectures and advocated benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust.

There are three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages. He once led some of his disciples Zhou to travel around the world for 13 years. In his later years, he revised the six classics of "poetry", "book", "Li", "music", "Yi", "spring and Autumn".

Confucius was one of the most erudite people in the society at that time. After his death, his disciples and retransmission disciples recorded the words, deeds, quotations and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples and compiled them into Analects of Confucius.

The book is regarded as a Confucian classic [1] when Confucius was alive, he was revered as the holy man of the heaven, the wooden priest of the heaven, and also as the sage of Confucius, the most holy, the most holy, the most holy,.

the most holy, the most holy, the king of literature and propaganda, and the teacher of the world. His thought has a profound influence on China and the world, and he is listed as the top ten cultural celebrities in the world.













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