⑴ 投資自己 投資未來演講稿
從我出生的那天起,就沒有脫離過三個字:神 經 病。我出生四十天的時候,我的父親就瘋了,瘋了,我沒有開玩笑,是真的瘋了。那麼我也是一個神經病嗎?
⑵ 各位朋友大家好!怎樣寫黃金,外匯,投資理財產品的演講稿
⑶ 求一篇關於理財的英文演講稿
Good afternoon! Very pleased that we rest on Sundays branch of our time to participate in the finance and investment report, just the letter of the Thai Securities Manager Zhang carried out a detailed analysis of the stock market, speak very exciting; I would like a cameo, the use of short-term the time to tell you briefly some of the basics of financial planning, and common learning, so that we in the future of financial services to the financial planning to have a basic understanding.
3, I will concentrate on two aspects, first, the basics of financial planning, two of my line of financial procts and agency fund insurance procts;
4, in the basics of financial planning in this section we mainly aimed at understanding the content of 5. . .
5, for the current financial institutions, financial proct launches, financial development is imminent financial services, however, what is financial planning? We are uncompromising, and some said, is to obtain a high return on investment; Some said that to get rich quick; In fact, this is right do not understand financial planning misunderstanding. Because of these misunderstandings which led some people just do not know long-term financial goals; too much emphasis on rate of return and thus ignore the risks, some people only focus on short-term gains and ignore the long-term performance; while some people confuse personal finance and investment planning; a result of these pairs of Money errors or limitations on the understanding that it is possible the financial banking services to consumers suffered great losses. How can we avoid such a mistake caused by losses? This requires us to have a new financial management of financial understanding.
6, China's Financial Planning Standards Board for Financial Planning, under such a definition. . . So this is not a simple investment. Financial Planning is a comprehensive customer needs of targeted financial services, is an all-round, sub-level, personalized planning services.
7 Based on the above definition of financial planning from the understanding highlighted the following points, let's say here that financial planning is a comprehensive financial services, it is not a proct marketing; Why is a comprehensive financial services? Because financial planning covers a family of financial analysis, credit and debt management, ecation planning, housing planning, retirement planning, and so a range of financial services. Second, financial planning professionals to provide financial services, where professionals, mainly refers to AFP, CFP, may be a lot of people right this very strange, not even heard of, where I briefly, AFP is China Localization of CFP and CFP is internationalized, Financial Planner, China is a member of the International CFP organizations to take two certification systems, AFP is the first class certification. Well, this is no longer to get to the bottom of this. Third, financial planning is a long-term planning for the client's life, which means a long-term objective Financial Planner, is not a stage, as you engage in short-term investments, stir-fired short-term; while he is your life, a family The long-term planning. For example; financial planner for your analyzing family financial situation, the goals set forth for your children's ecation stage, the stage of housing loans, retirement and estate planning to make a range of financial services, the time involved in a lifetime. So, we say that financial planning is a customer life-long-term planning. Fourth, financial planning is a process, not a proct. He is a service process.
8, this is mainly introced a number of financial planning content. . . Significance and role of financial planning is to help us balance the books, the use of the income period of life struggling to pay for pension period and the period of the next generation of ecation spending to balance income and expenditure of life, which is the primary financial planning issues. Investment management, financial planning through the remainder of the funds to invest and accumulate wealth, to guarantee and improve the future living needs. There is a risk management, retirement protection and rece taxes.
9, based on the above understanding of financial planning, we can analyze a data table, this table is a distribution of family life cycle, from this table we can see that the focus of financial management at each stage is not the same, from the core asset allocation, the 25-year-old - pre-retirement, high-risk investment asset allocation is relatively high, while in retirement, low-risk capital preservation a high return asset allocation, which is reasonable according to the configuration of different stages of the family; in hard times, we need to get higher returns to balance their expenses after retirement, but also consider the child support, children's ecation problems, and in retirement, their children have married, to live independently, just to ensure the basic living back guarantee Therefore, to avoid a large number of holders of high-risk investment procts, as the number of asset allocation in bonds, bond funds, money funds and bank deposits; in order to ensure the quality of life in their twilight years. Of course, the various periods of insurance arrangements are necessary, and for different periods of time to purchase the appropriate insurance, which is the significance of risk management in financial planning.
10, for each of us is not so much the purpose of financial planning in the pursuit of wealth, might as well be said that in the pursuit of a rich sense of a sense of affluence can be measured by wealth divided by desire. If the desire is a constant, then the accumulated wealth of the more abundant the higher sense. Desire, however, is not fixed, when the wealth of Vietnam for a long time, desire, will rise with it and become a driving force for the pursuit of greater wealth. This is the psychological with many of our shareholders is the same, when the stock had already risen a lot, but also make a lot of money, but it is our desire to have increased, and we also want to make more money. Therefore, there must be contented mind, the most important thing is to have their own financial goals, once you achieve a goal, even if the author can then earn more money, you should give up. Repayment of a sense is your job, transfer work, entrepreneurship is extremely important consideration when one of the factors. In the same danger occurs when the strong demand for security which requires more protection. Well, talk about the following key attributes of customer risk analysis.
Funds will vote and the general fund the difference between the subscription purchase: it is fixed on a fixed date each month from your account a certain amount of purchase funds, often busy with work for those who do not have time to buy the fund to fill the vacancies, 2, General Fund purchase a minimum subscription the amount of 1,000 yuan, and the Fund will vote for 500 yuan 200 yuan or 100 yuan, to avoid shortage of funds because you can not buy the fund of regret. And the Fund will vote in a long-term business, net worth is high, buy fewer shares, and in the net to buy more shares at lower, in the long run, to avoid the investment risk, access to higher investment income. For example: You deposit 100 yuan per month to buy the fund will vote, the annual return rate of 10%, 60 years later, you will be a multimillionaire. This is also the compounding effect results.
Therefore, the Fund will vote in your portfolio is an integral part. Thank you.
⑷ 學生應怎樣理財的演講稿
⑸ 個人理財演講稿 求助 3到5分鍾
建議從以下幾個方向自己寫一個: 1.個人對財富的認識和理解(什麼是財富,財富給人們能帶來什麼,財富的非財富價值) 2.個人基本情況分析(個人基本情況說明,個人理財目標)
⑹ 幫忙給個關於金融危機的演講稿3~4分鍾左右!!
剛看到央視《新聞30分》欄目的兩則國際新聞非常有意味。 第一條報道說:金融危機愈演愈烈,美歐股市連日的陰霾促使不少人重新考慮投資理財方式,而黃金以其保值屬性開始再次受到投資者的青睞。數據顯示,本周的前三個交易日,紐約商品交易所黃金期貨價格連續大漲,12月期金合約三天來的漲幅已達9%。而在一些歐美國家,黃金現貨市場也非常火爆,不少投資者都希望能在「黃金避風港」里免受「金融風暴」的「傷害」。然而緊接著的另一則報道又說:金融危機使美歐地區的許多商業銀行陷入困境,不少儲戶都擔心自己在銀行的存款得不到保障。而這也從另一方面帶「火」了一種商品的銷售——保險櫃。 美國國民買黃金的理由很單純,因為黃金是硬通貨。但倫敦客戶買保險櫃的理由更簡單,把錢放在哪裡都不放心,即便是買黃金,也會讓金價攀升,造成新的危機。與其讓錢成為紙券(意為金融債券)在那裡腐爛,不如放家裡,現金為王嘛。所以把保險櫃從廠家到經銷商樂了個底朝天。 這幾天看著新聞里頻頻播出的金融危機,當看到這兩條新聞時,我的心裡突然冒出一股冷汗,假如電視里這個客戶正好六十歲面臨退休,他已經沒有現金或者只有很少的現金能放在保險櫃了,那該如何是好呢? 我確信肯定有這樣的人,例如買保險櫃的顧客,他們的父母就應該面臨這種窘境,所以我相信這樣的人不在少數! 這意味著什麼呢?也就是說,萬一我們面臨退休的時候,而那時候我們恰好不幸也面臨全球性的經濟危機,讓你幾十年的積蓄陡然間急劇貶值,我們拿什麼養老呢?我們又拿什麼支付人類90%患病率的重大疾病中,那一部分國家不管,一定屬於你要支付的營養葯和進口葯費用呢? 新聞播放完後,被訪者一句話繞梁不絕——「等著腐爛的紙券」。 至少,這個時候買保險櫃肯定要比買黃金好,央視新聞絕對是有意把兩條新聞一前一後的安排這播放,因為這體現了一個經濟危機時的道理——現金為王! 不由得想到,在金融危機之前,我們太陶醉於追逐利潤了。或者我們大多時間總想著追逐收益,卻忘記了本金的安全和存在! 這種陶醉最終有醒來的時候,人們不得不在今天面對多年來的財富積累一夜之間縮水的窘境。其實金融危機導致人們對債券的失望而去追捧黃金,也難免不會因為這種追捧而導致金價水漲船高,造成新的風險。 然而,面對保險櫃的銷售攀升,或者我們有些人有絕對的理由相信,自己拿捏現金的能力十分超強。但問題在於,當今天的金融危機讓我們感覺到經濟環境中各種風險的影響,那麼我們是否想到,把錢變成黃金就安全嗎?甚至或者說,難道把錢放在家裡的保險箱就保險嗎? 我們依然無法迴避一個問題,當我們還有現金把錢放在保險櫃,可是如果兩年後國家經濟狀況又好起來,我們會不顧誘惑而把錢再一次的變成金燦燦的紙券嗎? 誰也說不清楚! 但有一點可以說清楚,今後債券依然是會出售的,而我們今後肯定還會碰到這樣的經濟危機,全世界的人類的確是一個記吃不記打的動物。 什麼都可以忘記,唯獨不要忘記這樣一個原理:當經濟危機發生的周期越長,你損失的財產也就越多,你再次聚集財富的時間也就越少!這就是所謂的十年積蓄,一夜消失的現實。 難道我們還不信么? 那就讓我們看看吧,能讓全世界市場經濟體制下國民的資產嚴重縮水的經濟危機,除了今天我們看到美國的這一次,1980年之前還有哪些呢? 歐洲的英國自1951~1952、 1957~1958、1961~1962、1966、1971~1972、1973~1975、1979~1982發生過七次; 亞洲國家日本,自1954、1957~1958、1962、1965、1970~1971、1973~1975、1981年共發生過7次。 至於1980年以後世界各國經濟危機的發源地和時間,下圖就可以看到,這里就不贅述了。 最後,讓我們看全球金融經濟龍頭老大美國的表現。 美國進入20世紀,在1900年危機之後,又發生了1907年、1914年、1921年、1929~1933年(著名的經濟大蕭條)和 1937~1938年的經濟危機。二戰後,美國又發生過1948~1949、1953~1954、1957~1958、1960~1961、1969~1970、1973~1975、 1980~1982七次經濟危機; 現在讓我們做個推演: 假如美國公民山姆今年正好60歲,那麼他出生應該是在1938年,正好是美國經歷第六次經濟危機進入尾聲的時候。其後美國經濟好轉,但那時候山姆因為剛剛出生,根本談不上掙錢。 22年後,也就是在1960年,山姆大學畢業開始掙錢了。結果剛開始工作的山姆面對他一生中的第二次經濟危機。不過沒有關系,這次經濟危機在次年1961年就結束了,而山姆剛開始工作,還有的是時間繼續掙錢,因為他還年輕。 山姆從1960年起他開始有能力積累個人財富時,他就隔三差五的經歷著財富的縮減,到今天他已經歷經了五次美國大大小小不同類型的經濟危機,包括這次金融危機導致的經濟危機。 我們在這里計算的目的不在於歷數山姆大叔經歷了多次危機,而在於他退休時的今天,也就是2008年剛好面臨百年一遇的金融危機。這場經濟危機哪怕在明年就能結束,但問題是,山姆大叔是否還能像年輕時那樣,還有機會再掙到錢么? 答案是顯而易見的,沒有機會! 面對退休生活需要的山姆大叔「沒有機會翻本」,這才是我們重中之重要考慮的問題! 一定會有讀者說,在美國今天即便有幾千萬60歲以上的山姆大叔面臨這種危機也不怕,因為美國的社會福利好。 我不能不說這個說法是相當正確的。 恰恰是美國無論是社會保障體系完善,還是遍布美國的5000多家商業保險公司的消費,那恰恰說明一個問題——美國人民是在做好了自己現金基礎之後,才去面對各種各樣經濟危機的。美國人不愛存錢,但美國人卻有著五千家以上的保險公司,我可能不知道這些保險公司在干什麼,但我知道我知道布希政府為什麼能看著雷曼銀行的到下,卻援手向AIA拋去了850億美元的原因。 而無論是美國的社會保障還是個人商業保險,這都意味著他們的國民還有現金可以供自己退休後開支。 筆鋒一轉,我不得不反觀中國國民的現狀。 中國納入國家社會保障體系的公民保障體制本身就不健全,如果我們個人還不能夠對商業保險給予足夠的認識,那麼對於已經開始進行市場經濟的中國,在今後不可避免的要經歷若干次經濟危機時,我們是否能夠承受的了這樣的經濟打擊? 我有眾多朋友直到今天對商業保險不屑一顧,他們總是拿著計算器計算著保險收益和其它投資手段的收益率進行比較。收益固然要計算,但不要忘記一個問題,過於強調這種預期收益,實際上是一種忽略本金安全和存在的行為。 今天歐美的消費者購買保險櫃說明了一個道理,現金為王。 面對各種各樣的經濟風險,如果我們不能控制外界因素導致的危機,那我們是否就能控制住純粹由自己把握的,在危機結束後我們再次將自己掙的錢變成腐爛紙券的行為么? 這是一個非常需要審視的問題。因為就是把錢埋在地下,也會由於我們把持不了的消費和投資沖動,而再一次把錢挖出來投入到新一輪的利潤追逐當中。 一個資產上百億的企業,為什麼能夠在一夜之間突然倒閉?這次美國金融危機告訴我們,因為他們沒有足夠的現金可以周轉。 這意味著,無論是誰,無論在什麼時候,無論在什麼狀況下,我們個人或者是企業在進行各種投資的時候,都不要忘記需要單獨留存一部分現金。盡管這一部分現金不一定是你全部的財富,但至少你每年都需要去按照你財富的比例去累積這筆現金。這正如一個企業需要固存一部分應急啟動資金一樣。 風險不總是外界導致的,假如歐美民眾今天面對的只是金融體制帶來的危機,那麼我們更多的時候則是自己在投資時的決策失誤。這就是為什麼世界性或者區域性的經濟危機的爆發就是再頻繁,也頻繁不過個人投資決策失誤的次數。而失誤的最終結果就是——我們沒有現金了,而且最可怕的是我們快六十歲時現金變少了! 這難道對我們不是一個警示么? 很難想像,如果我們沒有本金以現金的方式存在,我們還能幹什麼? 就算你今天有三處房產,但在房市縮水的今天,如果你急需一筆錢,你的房產又能套出多少現金呢?就算我們也堅信中國股票市場總有一天能上漲到一萬點的時候,問題是假如我們現在必須動用一筆現金時,你又能割出都少肉呢? 中國的經濟從計劃經濟走向市場經濟,還有很長的路要走。我們必須要清楚的是,任何一個國家在市場經濟面前,人類只能控制經濟危機的大小,而不能避免經濟危機的最終發生。這正如我們自己一樣,我們可以通過各種投資調節收益大小,但是我們絕對跑不了賠本的時候。我們面臨投資的時間越長,我們賠本的概率也就越大。 也許,我們寧願相信賺錢的概率遠遠大於賠錢的概率,但世界就是這樣不公平,當我們積累自己財富的時候,是以血汗為代價一分一分去獲得的,而當我們失去這些財富時,整筆財富的流失常常就發生在一夜之間。 而這,我們今天才知道,和社會體制無關!經濟危機面前只有一種人沒有任何損失,那就是沒有財富積累的窮人。 面對這樣一個殘酷的現實,如果今天我們三十歲,那麼我們還有很長時間的路可走,可這意味著我們面臨多重危機的概率會十分大; 面對這樣一個殘酷的現實,如果今天我們五十歲,那麼我們沒有多少路可走,我們面對經濟危機的概率雖然不會很大了,但也意味著我們哪怕只面對一次經濟危機,我們可以用以重新積累財富所需要的年齡和時間也所剩無幾; 面對這樣一個殘酷的現實,如果我們剛好六十歲…… 盡管我們並不提倡把所有的財富都已現金的方式進行體現(那是對利潤的一種漠視和褻瀆),但我們依然需要每年按照收入的比例,去買一部分的商業保險,因為我們現在就一定要明一個道理,關鍵的時候 ——現金為王!